Online Text Document Comparison Website
This online text document comparison website allows you to easily compare two strings (documents, various texts, etc.) to check for matches and highlights the differences for easy visual distinction. Users can check the similarity percentage of the entered strings and have the option to click on the highlighted parts to quickly edit them. This web app helps efficiently perform string comparison tasks through an intuitive interface.
It can be effectively used for checking revisions in document writing, managing versions through code comparison, reviewing similarities in academic papers or reports, comparing database records.
Use Cases
- Academic papers & Reports
- Code comparison
- Comparing Database Records
- Document writing & revision checks
Features & Usage
Input Field
Users can input two different strings and click the 'Compare' button to perform the comparison. The contents of the two strings can be swapped, and users can also paste strings from external sources. The 'Sync Scroll' feature can be activated via a toggle switch to synchronize the scrolling of both input fields.
Output Field
Results can be viewed in either a single-page or two-page layout. In the single-page view, matching parts of the two strings are displayed once, while differences are highlighted. The two-page view allows users to see the different parts on separate pages, with the 'Sync Scroll' feature also available.
Highlight Click Feature
Clicking on highlighted differences in the output field will navigate to the input field and automatically scroll to the relevant section for quick and easy editing.
Similarity Percentage Display
The similarity between the two strings is displayed as a percentage. This value is a simple calculation of the ratio of differing parts to the total length, and is for reference only.
Differences View Feature
Users can access the 'View Differences' button at the bottom of the screen, which allows for direct viewing of only the differing parts. Clicking on each item will scroll to that section in the output view for efficient navigation.
String Data Security
The string data entered by users is processed only on the browser client side and is not sent to or stored on the server. Our website does not have any access to the string data entered by users.